Calendar » Lions Virtual Learning Day

Lions Virtual Learning Day

If we need to close our facilities due to inclement weather or an emergency, we will continue to notify you via phone, email, website, text message, and social media. These communications will detail the use of a “Lions Virtual Learning Day” and the day will not require us to use a make-up day. Please make sure your contact information is current and up-to-date in Skyward. Also, all students must take their district-owned device and charger home each evening.
To prepare for the closure of one (or more) of our facilities or classroom(s), please review the following important information:
  • All students K-12 will operate on a delayed virtual schedule. Synchronous instruction, for K-12 students, will take place from 9:45am-12pm. A lunch break will occur from 12pm-1pm. Teacher office hours will occur from 1pm-3pm and are to be used to support students as they complete assignments.
  • Communication regarding virtual activities for the day will come from either your child’s building principal and/or teacher as soon as possible but no later than the morning of the weather event.
  • Students are expected to fully participate in synchronous lessons and activities.
  • Each closure day counts as a day of instruction and will also count as a cycle day.
  • Attendance will be based on synchronous student participation. If your child is ill, please follow our regular absence reporting procedures.
  • Students will be marked with an unexcused absence if they do not participate during synchronous lessons or if the student is not reported off for illness. Students who are ill will need to make up the work upon their return to school.
  • Households without access to a stable internet connection should contact their child’s teacher for assistance. Students may be given an alternative assignment and/or a reasonable extension to complete the work.
  • A Lions Virtual Learning Day is in lieu of the traditional school closing. As such, there will be no need to make up the day later in the school year.
The Red Lion Area School District believes this plan will enable the continuous learning of students, allow families to rely on the board-approved District calendar, and eliminate the need for "makeup days" that are typically built into our schedule.

If you have any questions about Lions Virtual Learning Days, please contact your child’s teacher or building principal.