Safe Schools » Student Resource Officer/Partnerships

Student Resource Officer/Partnerships



A school resource officer (SRO), by federal definition, is a career law enforcement officer with sworn authority who is deployed by an employing police department or agency in a community-oriented policing assignment to work in collaboration with one or more schools.  NASRO (National Association of School Resource Officers) recommends that agencies select officers carefully for SRO assignments and officers received at least 40 hours of specialized training in school policing before being assigned.   SRO’s are not security guards. 




A full time specially selected sworn and trained law enforcement officer in the schools with the goal of creating and maintaining a safe educational environment for students, teachers and staff.  With such a program, the officer represents a superior model of community policing.  A School Resource Officer represents a specialized approach providing evidence of a community’s desire to ensure that a safe and secure learning environment exists in its schools. 


The goals of our SRO program includes providing a safe learning environment in the schools of the RLASD, providing valuable resources to school staff members, fostering positive relationships with youth, developing strategies to resolve problems affecting youth and protecting all students, so that they can reach their fullest potentials.   The York County Regional Police Department, RLASD and NASRO consider it best practice to use the “triad concept” to define the three main roles of the SRO:  educator (guest lecturer for law related education), informal counselor/mentor, and law enforcement officer.




The local authorities that the Red Lion Area School District has memo of understanding's with include York County Regional Police and South Regional Police.